Now Richard is a shrewd guy. He’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. He agreed to let Aaron perform his 7 Minute Wealth Magnet hypnosis on him. And the results were astounding. Suddenly Richard’s company’s profits soared, almost overnight. Huge advertisers started to approach him about multi-million dollar deals - even for Richard this was money the like of which he had never seen before.
And ever since that 7 minute hypnosis session with Aaron, Richard’s fortune has SOARED.

So this is what Tina and Richard were suggesting… why didn’t I give it a try!
Now I have to be honest I was somewhat skeptical. But, after a moment of consideration, I figured, what have I got to lose? And so after a much needed night’s sleep, the very next morning off we went to Aaron’s plush offices in central London for a session that, unbeknown to me at the time, would be responsible for changing my life.
As we made our way there I was overcome with a feeling that meaningful change was about to occur. A burst of energy fizzed through every atom in my body, and then, I had arrived.
Aaron greeted me warmly, and after a customary exchange of pleasantries, I was on his couch and we were ready to begin. Aaron’s words came softly, as though from an enlightened being. A Serenity washed over me as I sank deeper into his words. |